Synergy Call Management System

- New, creative and effective
- Combined telephony technology
- Multiple call solutions for one low monthly fee
The most important features...
- Free initial set up - £19.95 per month, per number (capped at £99.95 maximum charge per 50 numbers)
- Includes; call routing, call divert, call announcement / whisper, call recording, call stats, campaign management, return on investment calculator and more! All for one low monthly fee...
Time of day routing
Calls can be connected to your preferred destinations right down to minute durations within each day... i.e. Call the office in business hours, to home, mobile, call centre or directly to voicemail evenings and weekends. Any landline or mobile phone across the world can be included as a destination for the calls. Every solution is built to a specific and bespoke brief and can be changed in real time.Divert on busy/no answer hunt group services
Each time of day routing plan can be set up including connecting to voicemail / missed call management functionality and 24/7 live call answering too… If the call is not answered after a set period of time (which you can determine) or if the line is busy when called, you can route to another line where it could be professionally answered, ensuring a personal contact with your customers, never missing a sales opportunity. You can have as many alternative diverts as you need and can change the order of your preferred destinations any time, in real time, without charge. Transfer calls to any destination, UK, overseas, landline or mobile phone. Finish the unanswered call to our voicemail / missed call management product (for which we make no additional charge). You can also link in our 24/7 live call answering, which has various options to suit your needs, should you prefer a real person (rather than a machine) to answer your calls for you - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.Call announcement / whisper
A whisper or call announcement is made to your ear just before the call is connected, which the caller can’t hear, they continue to hear the ring-tone until the whisper finishes, then the call is live. You can be told if the origin of the call is from a specific advert, directory, magazine or location. You may be running multiple businesses with different Smart Comms in use and need the call identified to ensure you answer appropriately. People running businesses from home can identify work calls before answering, enabling a professional approach for that all important first impression. Calls answered after going to mobiles, international or multi destination routing still hear the whisper.Call recording
Call recording on your Smart Comms ensures quality of call handling is developed, customer claims can be verified, lead quality can be assessed and you can identify / reward role model behaviours within your team... Network based, world class technology means your inbound Smart Comms can record all calls without the need to purchase or install expensive telephony equipment. You have the choice of an optional pre-connection message stating that "Calls may be recorded for monitoring or training purposes" or a straight connection with no message, where the call is delivered immediately to you without notifying the caller they are being recorded. Our system instantly records the dialogue, saves it as a sound file (.wav) and delivers it either as a designated email within seconds of the conversation finishing or directly into an online storage facility that you have 24/7 access to. We provide a functionally rich portal for playback, you can search for recordings by date, time, Smart Comms, the caller number and even categorise the extraction of recordings by length of calls. No additional cost per minute is charged for recording and messages can be stored for up to 12 months on the portal.Call stats and campaign management
Tools are provided which power real time data on the performance of your advertising... Fast and easy to use, every number can be named and also allocated into groups to track response activity across multiple parameters such as offices, regions, media type and so on. We include valuable data, such as missed/engaged calls, call traffic by day of the week and hourly segments of every day. Caller locations, answering destinations, the time to answer calls and much, much more are also recorded. You can view results in graphs and tables, quick print data for informal meetings or download to excel to merge in to your own management report.Return on investment calculator
Helping you understand the cost of every lead, revenue potential from each advert, web link, brand or region and predict results from advertising spend… This is an interactive portal that works with you and also changes with you, depending on the nature of products being promoted, the territory you are serving and changing economic situations. We have designed a system that provides the cost of every lead from every advert, the ability to spot emerging or declining markets and the amount of profit (or revenue) potentially being generated from every call that you receive. Truly, for the first time, you can start to predict likely performance from your advertising and web marketing. Don’t just take our word for it, contact us and we’ll provide a demonstration. Want this feature? First choose a phone numberNeed Help?
Calls answered in the UK 24/7
0345 0178 179
(0345 numbers are free for mobiles)
Our numbers are carried across the UK's best tier 1 networks
Versatile telephone solutions for your business
Smart Comms offers a range of telephone solutions to keep you connected including landline numbers for mobile, 0800 numbers for business, geographic numbers and much more.
Extensive support and call management included.
Find a number- No contracts
- No hidden extras
- Unbeatable price & service
Seamless & robust telecommunications
Future proof your business telecoms with Smart VoIP
VoIP provider for business & home phone systems in the UK
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